All abstracts should be submitted electronically directy to the website on the conference:
The deadline for the submission is 31 July, 2022. Abstracts received after closing of the abstract system will not be accepted.
By submitting the abstract you agree and confirm that:
if the abstract is accepted as a poster, it will be published in the conference website ;
if the abstract is accepted, you will attend the conference on E-Cigarette. To confirm your attendance, you have to register for the conference by 15 October 2022. If you have not registered by that date your abstract will be removed from the conference programme and conference website.
2. Type of abstracts
We welcome the submission of the research abstracts for:
1.Poster only;
2.Oral or poster;
3.Oral only;
For categories n°2 & n°3, depending on the decision of the Scientific Committee, the abstract may be selected for a poster only.
3. Keywords
You are asked to give three keywords that would best fit the content of your abstract among the following list:
Cardiovascular diseases
Clinic research
Contents and emissions chemical
Dual user
E-Cigarette and use related diseases
Effects of major components of e-cigarette
Ethics and law
Fundamental sciences
General population
Geographic effects
Harm reduction
Health disparities
Health equity
Health impact
Health promotion, health education
Human and social sciences
Market regulation
Nicotine/nicotine salts
Patterns of user
Perceptions, reprentations, beliefs
Population health intervention research
Public health
Regulation composition
Respiratory diseases
Risk assessement
Risk beahviors/protector behaviors
Smoking cessation
Smoking initiative
Smoking statut
Social determinants
Social media
Therapeutic patient education
Trajectories of users
User profiles
Vulnerable populations
3. Guidelines for authors
All abstracts must be presented in English. Graphics or tables cannot be accepted.
Author and co-author: you can include up to 10 co-authors. Presenter: a submitter is a default presenter.
All abstracts have a limit of 2250 characters including spaces (maximum 2000 characters for background, method, results and conclusions and maximum 250 characters for the main messages)
Abstracts should be structured as follows:
Main messages
5. Evaluation procedure & Notification
All submitted proposals will be reviewed by the International Scientific Committee, composed by experts on the topic.
You will be notified of the acceptance of your abstract(s) in September 2022 by email.
6. Changes in presenting author
The submitter is considered the presenting author and is responsible for delivering either the poster or oral presentation if the abstract is accepted. In case the presenting author is unable to attend the Conference, a substitute presenter may take the presenting author’s place.