Ute Mons is a University Professor of Cardiovascular Epidemiology of Aging at the University of Cologne, with a secondary affilitation at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg. She holds an M.A. in Sociology and Economics, and a PhD in Epidemiology and Public Health from the University of Heidelberg. She has co-authored more than 100 research publications, mostly in her main research areas tobacco control, cancer prevention, and chronic disease epidemiology. In these areas, Ute Mons is involved in several national and international research projects, including being PI of the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project (ITC) Germany project. Ute Mons also participates in national efforts to promote public health and tobacco control, and she is member of the board of the European chapter of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT-E). In 2017, she was awarded one of the ECL ECTOH Young Professional Awards recognizing her contribution to tobacco control.